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5063 publications

Support for drawing up and updating of plans for the development of municipalities and villages in rural areas and their basic services and of protection and management plans relating to Natura 2000 sites and other areas of high nature value.

Published 12 May 2016Guidance literature

Application form for Certificate of Registration to keep or use open sources under Section 7 of the Radioactive Substances Act 1993

Published 12 May 2016Forms

Application form when applying to keep a dangerous wild animal

Published 12 May 2016Forms

Use this form if you are sending an application to the Chief Inspector under the Pollution Prevention and Control (Industrial Emissions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013 (‘the Regulations’).

Published 12 May 2016Forms

Use this form if you are sending an application to the Chief Inspector under the Pollution Prevention and Control (Industrial Emissions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013 (‘the Regulations’).

Published 12 May 2016Forms

General wildlife licence application form

Published 12 May 2016Forms

A list of beneficiaries from the European Fisheries Fund

Published 09 May 2016Lists and registers

This is a quarterly publication which contains provisional figures for October to December 2015 on the key measurements of local authority collected municipal waste for district councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.

Published 28 April 2016Statistical reports

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) has consulted on its proposal to introduce legislation to make the testing of bovines for Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) compulsory.  The aim of the legislation is to reduce the incidence of BVD and help facilitate

Published 14 April 2016Consultation reports

The quality protocols set out how to fully recover wastes and turn them into quality products.

Published 13 April 2016Guidance literature

Statistics provided by the Veterinary Service Animal Health Group of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) in relation to the testing for, and incidence of, Brucellosis in cattle.

Published 11 April 2016Statistical reports

Rural Development Programme (Version 12) submitted to European Commission September 2015.

Published 07 April 2016Policy papers

Press Releases made by the Agricultural Wages Board for Northern Ireland, to announce the Board's decision to increase the rates of pay.

Published 06 April 2016Speeches and statements

For the purpose of these operating rules the phrase ‘LAG’ will be taken to mean the LEADER Local Action Group Board and its responsibilities. This document forms part of the contract between DAERA and the LAG.

Published 05 April 2016Policy papers

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development provides an Internet based interface (termed the “PVP Extranet”) through which Private Veterinary Practices are able to control and manage TB tests carried out on cattle herds in Northern Ireland on behalf of the

Published 04 April 2016Guidance literature

The aim of the Financial Provision Policy is to ensure holders of licences and permits in Northern Ireland have sufficient, secure and available resources, to address the environmental and human health impacts of their waste activity.

Published 01 April 2016Guidance literature

The following relates to Belshaw's Quarry Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI).

Published 31 March 2016Guidance literature

Tamnyrankin ASSI Citation documents and map

Published 31 March 2016Guidance literature

The Forestry Challenge Scheme (FCS) aims to encourage planting of larger woodlands by inviting bids from landowners to plant single woodlands of at least 5 hectares.

Published 25 March 2016Guidance literature

Equality screening form - 2015 Review of Shellfish Water Protected Areas

Published 25 March 2016Forms

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