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5063 publications

Equality screening form - Implementation of Regulation (EU) 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species in Northern Ireland

Published 25 March 2016Forms

This report includes statistics which provide an overview of the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) fisheries sector in Northern Ireland.

Published 23 March 2016Statistical reports

This new TRPSI Framework is the third in a series of anti-poverty initiatives brought forward by DAERA and builds on the success of two previous initiatives, the Anti-Poverty and Social Inclusion Framework (APSI) 2008-2011 and the Tackling Rural Poverty and&nbsp

Published 23 March 2016Development plan/framework

This is the second Coastal Communities Fund annual report which sets out progress made in 2014/15 as well as providing an update on previous years.

Published 23 March 2016Corporate reports

This publication was produced by Analytical Services Branch in the Department of the Environment and contains carbon intensity and supporting indicators.

Published 23 March 2016Statistical reports

An annual compendium of environmental indicators for 2016 covering eight key themes: demography and public opinion, air and climate, water, marine, land, biodiversity, built heritage and waste.

Published 22 March 2016Statistical reports

The most recent census in Northern Ireland took place on Sunday 27 March 2011. The census provides important information on the overall population and nature of Northern Ireland as well as data for small areas and population groups.


Published 22 March 2016Statistical reports

An investigation was undertaken by Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) for NIEA to determine the sources of nutrient loadings to the two largest freshwater lakes (Lough Neagh and Lough Erne), the six transitional waters (River Foyle, Lower Bann, Inner Lagan, Quoile Basi

Published 10 March 2016Guidance literature

This document describes the developments in surface water monitoring and classification through the first cycle and what is currently planned for the second.

Published 10 March 2016Guidance literature

Current guidance on changes to pesticide spraying laws, pesticide stores and pesticide product labels

Published 08 March 2016Guidance literature

Black Lough (County Tyrone) ASSI Citation documents and map.

Published 08 March 2016Guidance literature

Local Air Pollution Prevention and Control guidance and record keeping forms

Published 08 March 2016Guidance literature

Annual progress report of the cross departmental working group on climate change.

Published 08 March 2016Corporate reports

The following relates to Summerhill Lough ASSI.

Published 04 March 2016Guidance literature

This document is a synopsis of the responses received to the Department’s discussion paper on legislative proposals for climate change in Northern Ireland.

Published 04 March 2016Consultation reports

This document aims to provide the LAG with guidance regarding the ‘State aid’ rules which apply to LEADER and the steps which must be taken to ensure compliance.

Published 03 March 2016Guidance literature

The Scheme will invest in natural and built heritage projects that can act as a key driver for encouraging rural tourism and particularly out of state visitors whilst preserving the natural assets of the rural community.

Published 03 March 2016Guidance literature

This document aims to provide DARD staff with guidance regarding the ‘State aid’ rules which apply to rural tourism and the steps which must be taken to ensure compliance.

Published 03 March 2016Guidance literature

The Agricultural Market Report provides average prices for clean cattle and sheep and for breeding animals, as well as prices for pigs, broiler chickens, potatoes and cereals in Northern Ireland.

Published 29 February 2016Statistical reports

Aghnadarragh ASSI citation documents and map

Published 29 February 2016Guidance literature

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