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5048 publications

To construct an outfall pipe at Millisle SPS

Published 05 February 2024Guidance literature

This report describes research to quantify and describe commercial and industrial (C&I) waste in Northern Ireland.

Published 05 February 2024Statistical reports

This is a quarterly publication which contains provisional figures for July to September 2023 on the key measurements of local authority collected municipal waste for district councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.

Published 01 February 2024Statistical reports

DAERA 2023/438 Economic Figures and Estimates

Published 01 February 2024FOI/EIR responses

DAERA 2023/434

Direct Economic Costs and Benefits

Published 01 February 2024FOI/EIR responses

DAERA 2023/417 Request for SBRI Information

Published 01 February 2024FOI/EIR responses

Licence to possess mallard eggs for incubation and to possess mallard for release

Published 31 January 2024Guidance literature

Licence to take mallard eggs for the purposes of incubation and subsequent release of the birds

Published 31 January 2024Guidance literature

Equality Screening is the process of making an initial assessment about whether or not a policy or decision has the potential to impact differently and unfairly on different groups of people.

Published 29 January 2024Guidance literature

Sea disposal of dredging material from Warrenpoint Harbour for 2024-2027 to be disposed of at Warrenpoint B sea disposal site.

Published 29 January 2024Legislation and regulations

Information on Product Eligibility under NIRMS

Published 26 January 2024Guidance literature

FML1 Form

Before completing this form you are advised to read Section 10 - Force Majeure/Exceptional Circumstances (FM/EC) of the Guide to the Basic Payment Scheme.

Published 23 January 2024Forms

Remedial works on the Old Slipway, Portrush Harbour. Restoration of concrete and masonry works to include installation of renewed concrete toe.

Published 22 January 2024Legislation and regulations

GB-NI Triangular Trade - January 2024

Published 22 January 2024Guidance literature

The documentation linked below is for the export of bovine oocytes and embryos, to EU Member States.

Published 18 January 2024Forms

Nutrient Action Programme (NAP) Derogation - Terms and Conditions

Published 17 January 2024Guidance literature

Enforcement Notices issued and closed during 2023 by the Drinking Water Inspectorate

Published 12 January 2024Legislation and regulations

DAERA wishes to thank individuals and organisations who have responded to a consultation on the marine licence application for the proposed extension to existing coastal defence at Curran Strand, Portrush .

Published 12 January 2024Decisions

A study has been commissioned by DAERA and completed in early 2023 by environmental consultants WSP UK Limited, with the assistance of RSM UK.

Published 12 January 2024Research and analysis

The following links consolidate records held by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency for the export of Refuse Derived Fuel from Northern Ireland. Records will be updated as information becomes available.

Published 12 January 2024Statistical reports

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