Northern Ireland Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Waste Estimates - 2009

Date published: 05 February 2024

This report describes research to quantify and describe commercial and industrial (C&I) waste in Northern Ireland.

The methodology used applies factors (waste per business) derived from the recently-published Defra study covering England: C&I waste survey 2009. These factors are applied to the 2009 business profile of Northern Ireland.

This method gives results broadly consistent with previous Northern Ireland C&I surveys; this includes the total arisings and splits of this total by business sector, material, and District Council. However, results for waste management routes are not as robust due to differences in management options available in Northern Ireland (in comparison with England). The implications – including the limitations – of the approach used are discussed in the report.

There was an estimated 1.3 million tonnes of C&I waste in 2009: 0.8 million tonnes from the industrial sector and 0.5 million tonnes from the commercial. It is not possible to say if the total arisings represent a reduction in C&I waste arisings since the most recent Northern Ireland C&I report (Northern Ireland 2008 C&I Report by Capita Symonds). This is because the use of different methodologies and relatively high levels of uncertainty associated with both estimates.

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