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5048 publications

A scoping consultation was initiated via the DAERA website from 03 March 2021 to 30 April 2021. The main reason for the consultation was to involve people and organisations in the development of a new forestry plan for the Armagh Forestry Planning Area.

Published 04 June 2024Consultation reports

Fertiliser statistics show the quantities of compound, blended and straight fertilisers delivered in Northern Ireland by Northern Ireland fertiliser firms for agricultural and commercial horticultural use.

Published 03 June 2024Statistical reports

The new 2024/25 Marine Licensing Application Fees for Northern Ireland are applicable from 1 June 2024.

Published 01 June 2024Legislation and regulations

The Department takes data protection, freedom of information and environmental information issues seriously.

Published 31 May 2024Policy papers

Inter-Agency Blue-Green Algae Monitoring Protocol

Published 30 May 2024Guidance literature

Lough Neagh is situated in the centre of Northern Ireland. It is the largest freshwater lake in the United Kingdom covering an area of 383 km2 with a longest length of 30.5 km and narrowest width of 12.1 km across the middle.

Published 30 May 2024Maps

An annual compendium of environmental indicators for 2024 covering seven key themes: Public Attitudes, Climate Change, Air, Water and Marine, Biodiversity and Land, Waste and Historic Environment.

Published 30 May 2024Statistical reports

The Department for Infrastructure has commissioned the Lagan Pedestrian & Cycle Bridge to comprise construction of a new bridge over the River Lagan in South Belfast.

Published 29 May 2024Legislation and regulations

Newry Mourne and Down District Council wish to deploy a modular, floating pontoon system in the Quoile Estuary at Delamont Country Park as part of the annual Skiffie Festival held between 9th to 11th August 2024.

Published 28 May 2024Legislation and regulations

Minimum operating standards for approved passport issuing organisations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Published 24 May 2024Guidance literature

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has finalised its response to the consultation on proposals for vessel monitoring systems to be required on under 12 metre fishing vessels in the Northern Ireland fleet, and for other under 12 metre vessels oper

Published 24 May 2024Consultation reports

The application is for the placement of concrete access steps to the beach level from Annalong Cornmill slipway.

Published 22 May 2024Legislation and regulations

Presentations from the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Erne Fisheries Stakeholder Event on the 17th April 2024.

Published 22 May 2024Speeches and statements

Notice for public body/competant authority of a proposal to carry out an operation or activity specified by DAERA as likely to damage an ASSI

Published 22 May 2024Forms

DAERA Sheep and Goats Export Health Certificates (EHC) PDF applications

Published 21 May 2024Guidance literature

Construction of 7m of 315mm PVC, 150mm concrete surround, outfall pipe within rock revetment opposite Central Promenade, Newcastle to serve residential development. Reconstruction of rock revetment and stone sea wall.

Published 20 May 2024Legislation and regulations

This publication presents results of the Integrated Farm Survey Northern Ireland for June 2023.

Published 16 May 2024Statistical reports

Minister's Oral Statement on Farm Support and Development Programme

Published 16 May 2024Speeches and statements

Notice of a proposal to carry out an operation or activity specified by DAERA as likely to damage an ASSI

Published 15 May 2024Forms

Cross Compliance Business Rules 2024

Published 14 May 2024Legislation and regulations

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