Protected areas
Our protected areas represent the very best of our natural landscapes, biodiversity and geodiversity, forming the cornerstone of nature conservation by supporting plants, animals and habitats that are rare or unique. The on-going protection and management of this coherent network of sites will ensure that these important natural and cultural assets can be enjoyed by this and future generations.
We have a range of protected area designations, representing features of national and international importance, both terrestrial and marine.
You can search for Protected Areas within Northern Ireland by following the link below: Here you will find associated guidance and literature.
You can also view all of the below sites on the Natural Environment Map Viewer or download Geographic Information System (GIS) data on the Download digital datasets page.
Further information on protected areas can be found by accessing the links below and any queries relating to protected areas should be directed to
More in this topic
- Special Areas of Conservation
- Special Protection Areas
- Areas of Special Scientific Interest
- Coastal Areas of Special Scientific Interest
- Ramsar sites
- Nature Reserves
- Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- World Heritage Site
- ASSI Guidance for Public Bodies/Competent Authorities
- Special Areas of Conservation for Harbour porpoise
- Marine Ramsar sites
- Marine Conservation Zones
- European Marine Sites - Marine Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas
- Marine Protected Areas
- Protected Areas – Protected Areas Monitoring Results
- Protected Areas – What are the features of Protected Areas, and how are they monitored?
- Introduction to Conservation Management Plans (CMPs) for Northern Ireland’s Special Areas of Conservation
- Conservation Management Plans (CMPs)
- Searching protected areas