Protected Areas – Protected Areas Monitoring Results
DAERA aims to monitor all features on a rolling cycle; constantly monitoring change to Northern Ireland’s Protected Areas.
Data is collected and analysed from each site via Common Standards Monitoring | JNCC - Adviser to Government on Nature Conservation methodology, giving a favourable or unfavourable condition for the surveyed feature.
The summary condition results shown here have been produced by monitoring work carried out by NIEA and Marine Division DAERA as well as some specialist contracted work.
It is important to note, that the majority of sites are multi-feature, and inevitably many features may be classified as unfavourable because of just one failing attribute. In reality, overall the sites remain diverse, natural and special places. It is also important to point out that because a feature is unfavourable, it doesn’t necessarily mean the area is being poorly managed. In some cases, pressures outside the site boundary negatively impact feature condition, e.g. air or water quality.
This summary information will be updated on an annual basis in line with Environmental Statistics Reporting Northern Ireland environmental statistics report.
Summary Feature Condition Status of Protected Areas
2023/24 Summary Feature Condition Status of Protected Areas spreadsheet.