Ware potatoes
In order to protect the overall health of all potatoes grown in Northern Ireland local ware potato production must meet minimum quality standards which are monitored and verified through a programme of inspections and surveillance undertaken by Plant Health & Crop Certification Inspectors from Plant Health Inspection Branch (PHIB) within DAERA.
Northern Ireland is a Community Grade region for seed potatoes and within the high grade area it is a requirement that all potatoes planted must be no lower than Basic category seed ( Pre-basic or Basic category seed of union grade PB, S, SE, or E). Northern Ireland ware growers are permitted to plant seed from other EU member states, however this must carry a Union grade (PB, S, SE, or E) on the label. No certified seed carrying a blue label seed (Union grade A and B) is permitted to be landed or planted in Northern Ireland. It is also a requirement that all seed potatoes landed for planting for certification or for ware production are notified in advance to Plant Health Inspection Branch (PHIB).
Ware growers are subject to annual ware planting inspection checks by PHIB Inspectors to ensure they comply with legislative requirements; failure to comply can result in prosecution. Ware potato growers are permitted to plant farm saved seed from a basic crop they planted but this may only be grown for one generation to produce a ware crop for marketing.
Ware Potato Movements and Import Notification Requirements Post EU Exit
The implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol has meant that there have been important changes to the movement of ware potatoes.
Moving Ware Potatoes from Great Britain into Northern Ireland
Regulated goods moving from Great Britain (GB) to Northern Ireland (NI) are subject to European Union (EU) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) and marketing rules which currently apply to third countries. Consequently, there have been changes implemented and important procedures to follow when moving ware potatoes from GB to NI.
There is now a requirement for a Phytosanitary certificate, which should be uploaded with a pre-notification CHEDPP (Common Health Entry Document, Plants and Plants Products) submitted online via Traces NT at least 24 hours before the GB ware potatoes are due to arrive in Northern Ireland. Further information on pre-notification requirements can be found on DAERA’s ‘Import and Export of Plants’.
Moving Ware Potatoes from EU into Northern Ireland
All potato businesses moving ware potatoes into Northern Ireland from Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain are required to notify the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs at least 48 hours prior to the importation. Polish potatoes should also be accompanied by a certificate issued by the Polish Authorities indicating that they have been tested and found free from Ring Rot.
Moving Ware Potatoes from Northern Ireland to Great Britain and the EU
The movement of ware potatoes from NI to GB and NI to the EU currently remains unaffected and the same conditions apply as before.
Labelling Requirements for Imported Ware Potatoes
The attached letter to importers details the need to ensure that all ware potatoes imported into Northern Ireland are labelled with the Plant Health Registration Number of the grower or processor.
This labelling will enable the potatoes to be traced back to the farm of origin in the event of a serious disease finding.
Labelling requirements for ware potatoes landed in Northern Ireland.
Ware Potato Marketing Arrangements
The Ware Potato Marketing Arrangements outline the requirements for the marketing of Northern Ireland ware potatoes from the 2024 crop. The document covers the export requirements for ware potatoes to the Canary Islands and non EU Countries: