Potato challenge
Challenges are a series of Business Growth Programmes designed to improve the profitability of your farm business. They are structured to help enhance your business performance within your own particular situation.
Potato Challenge for Growers
Potato production (seed and ware) has become a very specialist business. In order to generate a realistic income and enable re-investment for the future high production standards are required. In order to achieve this it is vital that the most suitable market is selected with potatoes being produced to the requirements of that market.
To improve the agronomic skills of potato growers enabling them to produce potatoes of a quality that meets the needs of the market.
Benefits to your business
Taking part will help you:
- Select the most suitable market;
- Measure the current business performance;
- Plant and manage the crop to maximise yields;
- Harvest and store the crop to minimise losses.
What is involved?
Topics covered include:
- Potato market review;
- Financial health check;
- Preparation and planting;
- Growing the crop;
- Harvesting;
- Storage
Local group meetings will help you learn from others whilst also receiving support from your local Crops Development Adviser. There will also be input from technical experts. On completion of the Challenge there is the opportunity to gain a nationally recognised award.
How do I find out more?
If you would like more information on any of the Challenges please contact Challenge Administration:
Email: challenge@dardni.gov.uk
Tel: (028) 9442 6843
Fax: 028 9442 6777
or contact your local Development Adviser.