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5063 publications

Guide describing the habitat needs of breeding wader priority species in Northern Ireland including species, where they are found, why they are important, pressures and threats and management advice for breeding waders.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the calcareous grassland Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Coatal Saltmarsh Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Coastal Sand Dunes Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Fen Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Limestone Pavement Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Lowland Dry Acid Grassland Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Lowland Heathland Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Lowland Meadow Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Lowland Raised Bog Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Maritime cliff and Slope Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Marsh Fritillary butterfly in Northern Ireland including legislative background, life cycle, habitat requirements, where they are found, pressures and threats and management advice for Marsh Fritillary.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Mixed Ashwood Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Montane Heath Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Oakwood Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Parkland and Woodland Pasture Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Purple moor-grass and rush pasture Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Reedbed Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

Guide describing the Upland heathland Northern Ireland priority habitat including habitat definition, plant indicators (positive and negative), National Vegetation Classification (NVC) codes and management advice.

Published 28 June 2018Corporate reports

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