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5063 publications

This guidance informs the general public how to report:

Published 28 August 2020Forms

Statistics on the state of the water environment are published annually in the Northern Ireland Environmental Statistics Report. WFD data is not updated each year due to the timescales of the monitoring.

Published 27 August 2020Statistical reports

The published annual statistics relating to the Carrier bag levy that commenced on 8 April 2013.

Published 27 August 2020Statistical reports

The EU Invasive Alien Species Regulation came into force in 2015.

Published 26 August 2020Consultation reports

Agenda and minutes from the meetings of the Delivery Committee.

Published 25 August 2020Agendas and minutes

Statistics provided by the Veterinary Service Animal Health Group of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) in relation to the testing for and, incidence of, Tuberculosis in Cattle.

Published 24 August 2020Statistical reports

This report provides the annual report on implementation of the derogation in 2018 and maps for 2019.

Published 20 August 2020Statistical reports

DAERA has produced guidance on the Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016 for Public Authorities which includes guidance on the duties on Public Authorities, guidance on undertaking a Rural Needs Impact Assessment and guidance on the monitoring and reporting requirements under the Act.

Published 20 August 2020Guidance literature

TrC 40/12-04: The Application is for the discharge of site drainage arising from mineral exploration on the Application Site. Discharge is to the waterway at Irish Grid Reference H 5707 8690, known as the Curraghinalt Burn.

Published 19 August 2020Guidance literature

Summary of application fees and charges from 1st April 2023

Published 14 August 2020Legislation and regulations

This is a quarterly publication which contains provisional figures for January to March 2020 on the key measurements of local authority collected municipal waste for district councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.

Published 13 August 2020Statistical reports

Annual estimates of the Northern Ireland resident population are produced by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA). 

Published 13 August 2020Statistical reports

This page contains the statistical survey results from the Continuous Household Survey, for the period 2012/13 to 2018/19.

Published 12 August 2020Statistical reports

Animal Group Number Application

Published 11 August 2020Forms

The 2020-21 Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Business Plan has been approved by the DAERA Minister and the DAERA Departmental Board.

Published 10 August 2020Corporate reports

NIEA regulate installations subject to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme through the issue of permits to operate specific activities.

Published 10 August 2020Legislation and regulations

Construction of a pontoon

Published 10 August 2020Guidance literature

Pollution Prevention and Control IE Charging Scheme 2021

Published 09 August 2020Legislation and regulations

The 11 classified Widely Spread Species in Northern Ireland and their associated management measures are listed below, they consist of 8 plants and 3 animals.

Published 30 July 2020Guidance literature

This data is taken from the Invest NI Customer Relationship Management system (CRM).

Published 29 July 2020Statistical reports

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