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5063 publications

FOI Policy Statement

Published 27 May 2021Policy papers

Registered Traces NT customer can provide pre-notification of plant or plant products by filling out the following document below

Published 27 May 2021Forms

Questions and Answers for the 2021 COVID-19 Potato Support Scheme.

Published 26 May 2021Guidance literature

This Guide explains the background and eligibility criteria for the 2021 COVID-19 Potato Support Scheme.

Published 26 May 2021Guidance literature

This Defra guidance sets out key information covering the potential role, function and establishment of logistics hubs.

Published 25 May 2021Guidance literature

Provides information for traders exporting High-Risk Foods Not of Animal Origin (HRFNAO) to the EU or moving them to NI and tips for traders to help ensure that consignments of composite products using the Private Attestation can be processed at Irish Border Control Posts (BCP

Published 21 May 2021Guidance literature

Prosperity Agreements are voluntary agreements through which the NIEA and an organisation or a group of organisations can explore new ways of reducing environment impacts in ways that create prosperity and well-being.

Published 21 May 2021Policy papers

See below for details of communications issued by Trade Programme to aPVPs/Veterinary Practices in 2021:

Published 21 May 2021Guidance literature

An annual compendium of environmental indicators for 2021 covering seven key themes: Public Attitudes, Climate Change, Air, Water and Marine, Biodiversity and Land, Waste and Built Heritage.

Published 20 May 2021Statistical reports

Details of indenture for Lough Erne

Published 19 May 2021Guidance literature

A list of every building or asset which DAERA owns which is over 100 years old

Published 19 May 2021Guidance literature

Goods which are banned from GB into NI under EU regulations

Published 19 May 2021Guidance literature

Provide a list of intensive farms (pig and poultry) in Northern Ireland with PPC permits

Published 19 May 2021Guidance literature

Information regarding the numbers of successful and unsuccessful FBIS Tier 2 applications under the RDP 2014-2020 split by calendar year and the highest, lowest and average grant awarded in each year

Published 19 May 2021Guidance literature

Request for information on the future plans for the building formerly used as a café/tea room at Tollymore Forest Park

Published 19 May 2021Guidance literature

Details of all spending over £500 on the Department Procurement Card for the 2020 Calendar year

Published 19 May 2021Guidance literature

The Sustainability for the Future - "DAERA’s Plan to 2050" has been approved by the DAERA Minister.

Published 18 May 2021Business plans

Since 16 May 2021, Export Declarations are required for some types of goods moving directly from Northern Ireland to Great Britain. These include goods containing F-gases and ODS.


Published 16 May 2021Guidance literature

A survey of marine turtles in Northern Irish waters was carried out between

Published 12 May 2021Independent reports

Environmental Impact Assessment Public Register from April 2016-March 2021

Published 12 May 2021Lists and registers

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