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5063 publications

This document, designed by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA), relates to biodiversity in general and the conservation of the red squirrel in particular.

Published 01 October 2005Promotional material

Worksheets relating to the 'World Around Us' Programme

Published 29 September 2005Guidance literature

Council regulation on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

Published 20 September 2005Guidance literature

UK wide practical guide to the SEA Directive

Published 13 September 2005Guidance literature

A Race Equality Strategy for Northern Ireland 2005-2010 published by OFMDFM.

Published 19 July 2005Policy papers

The forest classroom leaflet for Key Stages 1 & 2

Published 01 July 2005Guidance literature

IPPC Pigs - Dietary Guidance Notes for Protein & Phosphorus (NI)

Published 01 July 2005Guidance literature

Department of Agriculture advisory leaflet on the evaluation of habitat for salmon and trout.

Published 08 June 2005Guidance literature

The purpose of this report is to inform central government, district councils, the general public and any other interested parties as to the number and nature of noise complaints received each year by district councils across Northern Ireland.

Published 01 April 2005Statistical reports

There are 141 lakes in Northern Ireland greater than 10 ha. On applying the Water Framework Directive (WFD, or the Directive) System A typology, a number of types have been recorded.

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

The Water Framework Directive (WFD, or the Directive) requires Member States to identify the location and boundaries of bodies of surface water and to carry out an initial characterisation of all such bodies (Annex II).

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

As part of the 2005 Article 5. WFD Characterisation Technical Report, Member States were required to identify the location and boundaries of bodies of surface water and to carry out an initial characterisation of all such bodies.

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

The aims of the methodology are to determine whether water bodies (rivers, lakes and transitional) identified in Northern Ireland are at risk or not at risk, with low or high confidence, from the combined pressures of abstraction and flow regulation.

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) aims to take a holistic view of all activities in the aquatic environment, whereas previous EC legislation has been directed at controlling specific discharges or activities in the marine environment.

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

The diffuse pollution risk assessment is based primarily on impact data1, where available, supplemented by a screening tool method that identifies waterbodies at risk from significant diffuse pollution pressures.

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

This method summary details the approach taken to assessing river and lake water bodies which are at risk of failing the environmental objectives of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), because of morphological alterations.

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

This methodology describes the use of impact data from monitoring for rivers and lakes. It is based on the UKTAG guidance, and includes the use of current classification schemes and assessments for Protected Areas.

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

For the initial pressure and impact analysis, the only ‘other human’ pressures considered are alien species. UKTAG guidance1 is available on:
• the pressures from alien species on river, lake, transitional and coastal water bodies

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

We have broadly followed the approach suggested by UKTAG for the risk assessment of point source pressures. Point source pressures are discharges of effluent or waste from identifiable outfalls. These are generally subject to regulation and control.

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

River Reference Conditions for Northern Ireland River Types.

Published 14 March 2005Guidance literature

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