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5063 publications

This is a quarterly publication which contains provisional figures for October to December 2013 on the key measurements of local authority collected municipal waste for district councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.

Published 24 April 2014Statistical reports

This document provides useful information and guidance in relation to the loading and unloading of animal by-products.

Published 23 April 2014Guidance literature

Proposals that have been identified by the Department of the Environment as potentially important in the context of the Rathlin Island European Marine Site Management Scheme

Published 14 April 2014Corporate reports

Abstraction Impoundment and Licensing Groundwater Abstractions - Compliance Assessment of Licence Conditions

Published 11 April 2014Policy papers

Groundwater Abstraction Monitoring Plan Guidance

Published 11 April 2014Guidance literature

Northern Ireland Water Management Facts and Figures 2014

Published 11 April 2014Statistical reports

Strangford and Lecale Catchment Stakeholder Group Meeting 9 April 2014 minutes and presentations

Published 11 April 2014Agendas and minutes

A Charging Scheme made under Regulation 25 of The Pollution Prevention and Control (Industrial Emissions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013 in respect of permits granted under those Regulations. And shall come into operation on 1 April 2014.

Published 11 April 2014Policy papers

A charging scheme made under Regulation 4 of the Greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme charging scheme regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 in respect of permits granted under the greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme charging scheme regulations 2012.

Published 11 April 2014Policy papers

Minutes of meetings for the Equality Steering Group that took place during 2014.

Published 10 April 2014Agendas and minutes

The public consultation on the Policy Options Arising from the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (Pillar I Direct Payments) closed on Friday 17 January 2014. 

Published 09 April 2014Consultation reports

Guidance notes for private water bailiffs in the DAERA area - Updated Nov 2023

Published 09 April 2014Guidance literature

Businesses that import seed potatoes into Northern Ireland are now required to notify the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs at leat 48 hours in advance using the form below.

Published 07 April 2014Forms

Our rivers, lakes, estuaries, seas and groundwater provide water to sustain many of our core social and economic activities, and also provide drinking water for our population.

Published 28 March 2014Statistical reports

This report includes statistics which provide an overview of the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) fisheries sector in Northern Ireland.

Published 27 March 2014Statistical reports

The purpose of this Regulatory Position Statement is to clarify what NIEA considers is the minimum “treatment” necessary to justify a reclassification of the waste from EWC 20 03 01 to a Chapter 19 coded waste hence identifying the resultant waste streams which can

Published 21 March 2014Guidance literature

The purpose of this paper is to provide an update on the process of designation of areas of natural constraint.

Published 20 March 2014Guidance literature

A quarterly newsletter update on natural views within the Northern Ireland Environment Agency.

Published 20 March 2014Notices

These codes set out minimum standards that represent society’s expectation of that standard of care which are based on good practice and scientific knowledge.

Published 20 March 2014Guidance literature

Plan for the management of public forests in Banagher, Bradkeel, Creggan, Davagh, Derrynoyd, Glenshane, Goles, Gortin, Iniscarn, Killens, Learmount, Ligfordrum and Moydamlaght

Published 14 March 2014Consultation reports

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