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5063 publications

This Incident Management Plan has been developed to provide a framework for the identification and control of problems associated with animal feedingstuffs, which would present an imminent danger to animal or human health, or a particular problem within the feed chain.

Published 06 April 2017Guidance literature

Guidance and Literature in relation to Glynn Woods ASSI

Published 06 April 2017Guidance literature

Statistics provided by the Veterinary Service Animal Health Group of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) in relation to the testing for, and incidence of, Brucellosis in cattle.

Published 06 April 2017Statistical reports

Guidance on complying with the Forest Reproductive Material (FRM) regulations, and the relevant registration and notification forms can be found below:-

Published 06 April 2017Guidance literature

This summary report presents the compliance of Water Utility Sector discharges with relevant European standards and NIEA Water Order consents.

Published 04 April 2017Guidance literature

Minutes of the Salmon and Inland Fisheries Forum (SIFF) meetings in 2017.

Published 04 April 2017Agendas and minutes

Fees and Charges for Exemptions 2017/18.

Published 01 April 2017Notices

In Northern Ireland land owners have a responsibility to control  noxious weed such as thistles and  Ragwort before they seed and spread, and maybe legally required to do so by a DAERA notice. Herbicides are a very useful tool in controlling noxious weeds a

Published 30 March 2017Guidance literature

Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce flood risk in Northern Ireland

Published 27 March 2017Research and analysis

Instructions on how to complete your EFA declaration

Published 24 March 2017Guidance literature

An annual compendium of environmental indicators for 2017 covering eight key themes: demography and public opinion, air and climate, water, marine, land, biodiversity, built heritage and waste.

Published 23 March 2017Statistical reports

Presentation from the Information Awareness Session held on the 22 March 2017 for the Research Challenge Fund 2017.

Published 23 March 2017Research and analysis

The Council for Nature Conservation and the Countryside (CNCC) was established in 1989 under the provisions of the Nature Conservation and Amenity Lands (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 1989.

Published 23 March 2017Agendas and minutes

The Council for Nature Conservation and the Countryside (CNCC) was established in 1989 under the provisions of the Nature Conservation and Amenity Lands (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 1989.

Published 23 March 2017Agendas and minutes

Information and guidance in the form of questions and answers for 2017 Single Application and Maps.

Published 23 March 2017Guidance literature

Help with your Single Application

Published 22 March 2017Guidance literature

The Plant Health Risk Register gives details of over 1000 species currently of concern. They are rated in order of current threat levels and the list is updated on an ongoing basis.

Published 22 March 2017Guidance literature

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to port and harbour authorities on how to minimise the impacts of necessary harbour works on the environment. It will also outline the regulatory framework within which ports and harbours operate in Northern Ireland.

Published 20 March 2017Guidance literature

The Agricultural Market Report provides average prices for clean cattle and sheep and for breeding animals, as well as prices for pigs, broiler chickens, potatoes and cereals in Northern Ireland.

Published 16 March 2017Statistical reports

This short leaflet is to help keepers of small flocks of poultry to look after their birds whilst there is a Prevention Zone in place.

Published 16 March 2017Guidance literature

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