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5063 publications

Guidance and Literature in relation to Black Bog RAMSAR

Published 03 August 2017Guidance literature

Guidance and literature in relation to Carlingford Lough RAMSAR

Published 03 August 2017Guidance literature

Northern Ireland is recognised as a high-grade seed area within the EU. The climate and topography makes it an ideal place to grow healthy seed potatoes.

Published 02 August 2017Guidance literature

This booklet will help you to interpret your on-the-spot check report

Published 02 August 2017Guidance literature

Provides details and links to current legislation relating to drinking water quality.

Published 02 August 2017Guidance literature

Guidance and literature for Ballynahone Bog RAMSAR

Published 02 August 2017Guidance literature

Provides a list of organisations and contact details related to drinking water.

Published 02 August 2017Guidance literature

Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion in relation to the proposal for extension of rock armouring on Curran Strand, Portrush

Published 01 August 2017Corporate reports

This page contains information and guidance about the Negative List for 2017

Published 28 July 2017Guidance literature

Statistics on agricultural employment are collected each year in the June Agricultural & Horticultural Census and are published in the annual Statistical Review of Northern Ireland Agriculture (DAERA).

Published 27 July 2017Statistical reports

This is a quarterly publication which contains provisional figures for January to March 2017, on the key measurements of local authority collected municipal waste, for district councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.

Published 27 July 2017Statistical reports

A Consolidated List of all Invasive Alien Species of Union concern

Published 26 July 2017Lists and registers

This Control Strategy provides a framework for the policy of identification, control and eradication of the causal agents of Chalara ash dieback in Ireland, and sets out the actions that will be taken to implement it.

Published 24 July 2017Policy papers

Synopsis of responses to a consultation on proposals to ban the use of plastic microbeads in cosmetics and personal care products in the UK. The consultation also called for evidence on other sources of microplastics entering the marine environment

Published 21 July 2017Circulars

DAERA are now accepting applications for the appointment of a Fisheries Local Action Group.

Published 19 July 2017Guidance literature

Minutes of meetings for the Equality Steering Group that took place during 2017.

Published 10 July 2017Agendas and minutes

This list is issued by the Forest Service an Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to help private individuals obtain forestry goods and services.

Published 10 July 2017Guidance literature

The purpose of this booklet is to give a broad outline of the laws protecting wildlife, particularly, but not exclusively, those relating to the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order (As amended) 1985.

Published 07 July 2017Guidance literature

This guidance sets out NIEA’s regulatory position on the low risk activities described in Appendix A of this document.

Published 06 July 2017Guidance literature

Regulatory Position Statement - Low Risk Activities

Published 06 July 2017Guidance literature

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