Tullyratty ASSI

Date published: 31 July 2015

Tullyratty ASSI site citation documents and map

This area is of special scientific interest due to it being a type of species rich grassland (lowland meadow) which is a scarce resource in Northern Ireland.

It is located within a landscape of rolling drumlin hills and approximately 3Km west of Strangford and is composed of 12 adjoining fields in a lowland setting on a south - west facing slope.

The variation in topography and related soil hydrology and the effects of past and present management have resulted in the presence of a wide range of grassland plant species.

Further diversity is provided through the presence of scrub which can be a valuable habitat for invertebrates.

The vegetation at Tullyratty is typically grass - dominated with a wide range of associated herbs. The grasses red fescue, crested dogs - tail, common bent and sweet vernal grass are common in the sward.

Herbs typical of traditionally managed grasslands are frequent throughout the sward and include common knapweed, eyebright and common spotted orchid.

Site No ASSI 321
Area 13.53 (ha)
Declared Date 21/09/2009
County Down


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