Sustainable Agricultural Land Management Strategy report and Executive summary

Date published: 03 May 2018

Delivering Our Future, Valuing Our Soils: A Sustainable Agricultural Land Management Strategy for Northern Ireland’ was produced by an independent Expert Working Group on Sustainable Land Management. The report follows a recommendation by the Agri Food Strategy Board in ‘Going for Growth’ that a strategic land management policy should be developed.

The group’s aim was to outline how the ambition of ‘Going for Growth’ could be achieved in a way which improves farm incomes and environmental performance simultaneously. The report was launched and delivered to Minister Michelle McIlveen MLA on Friday 21st October 2016.

In July 2016, the Expert Working Group were asked to extend their work to specifically address the issue of agricultural ammonia and its impact on nature and sensitive environmental sites in Northern Ireland. The Expert Working Group deliberated on this issue following the publication of their original strategy and in December 2017, the Expert Working Group submitted to DAERA their Annex on Ammonia, entitled “Making Ammonia Visible.”

In May 2018, DAERA published its initial position on the recommendations made in “Making Ammonia Visible.”

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