Summary Report - Responses to the Discussion Document on a Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill

Date published: 08 September 2021

Last updated: 09 December 2021

On 8th December 2020, DAERA launched an eight week consultation on a ‘Discussion Document on a Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill’. Views were sought on policy options for a Climate Change Bill for Northern Ireland and what the Bill should look like. The consultation closed on 1st February 2021.

DAERA worked with NISRA statisticians to determine the appropriate approach to analysing all of the responses to the consultation to ensure a robust and consistent methodology was applied. The findings of the analysis of the responses to the consultation are outlined in this summary report. The findings have helped inform the development of an Executive Climate Change Bill which was introduced to the Northern Ireland Assembly on the 5th July 2021, and which is currently undergoing legislative passage.

DAERA are thankful to all who took the time to respond to this consultation. We acknowledge the high level of public and stakeholder interest in the need for local Northern Ireland Climate Change legislation.

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