Standing advice for development that may have an effect on the water environment (including groundwater and fisheries)
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Standing advice ie pre-written advice that explains what applicants must do to meet legislative and policy requirements and enables them to prepare good quality planning applications. It can also be used by planning authorities to inform their decision making and is a material consideration.
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Discharge to the water environment
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Pollution prevention guidance
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Sustainable Drainage Systems
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Pre - application discussion advice
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Agricultural developments
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Abstractions and Impoundments
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Commercial or Industrial Developments
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Culverting
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Multiple Dwellings
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Single Dwellings
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Vehicle washing
- DAERA Standing Advice - RU - Single Wind Turbines and Groundwater
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Authorised Treatment Facilities for End of Life Vehiclws (ATF ELV)
- DAERA Standing Advice - WTR - Petrol Stations
- DAERA Standing Advice - Marine Litter.pdf