Single-Use Plastic Reduction Action Plan for the NICS Government Estate

Date published: 07 July 2021

DAERA and DoF are presently rolling out a plan to reduce unnecessary single-use plastics (SUP) from within the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS)  government estate.  The plan focuses mainly on the categories of catering, packaging, facilities and office supplies, working towards a ban by October 2021.  

Although the benefits of plastic are undeniable, the misuse of plastics across the world is crippling our environment, killing wildlife and damaging people’s health.  About 8 million tonnes of plastic waste are dumped into the world’s oceans every year, the equivalent of one refuge truck of plastic being tipped into the sea every minute of every day. Single-use plastics, while often used for only a few minutes, have a long-term impact on the environment. The actions in the plan are grouped around raising awareness and changing behaviours across the Northern Ireland Civil Service and working with our suppliers and contractors.

Please see attached copy of the plan for further details:


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