Marine Licence ML115_15 Torr Head Tidal Array

Date published: 18 April 2024

Last updated: 22 April 2024

Torr Head Tidal Energy Array  ML115_15

Reference: ML115_15
Project Type: Offshore Tidal Turbine Deployment/Cable Subsea Cable
Location: Coordinates:

AfL1 6° 3.358' W 55° 13.170' N
AfL2 6° 1.338' W 55° 12.481' N
AfL3 6° 1.250' W 55° 12.185' N
AfL4 6° 1.913' W 55° 11.578' N
AfL5 6° 2.961' W 55° 11.682' N
AfL6 6° 3.655' W 55° 11.961' N
AfL7 6° 4.559' W 55° 12.324' N
AfL8 6° 4.682' W 55° 12.790' N
AfL9 6° 4.430' W 55° 12.960' N
C1 6° 1.913' W 55° 11.578' N
C2 6° 2.083' W 55° 10.206' N
C3 6° 3.858' W 55° 11.858' N
C4 6° 3.731' W 55° 11.991' N
C5 6° 2.961' W 55° 11.682' N

Project Description: The Torr Head Tidal Energy Array Project is a proposed commercial scale 100 MW tidal energy array in the waters offshore of Torr Head on the north east coast of County Antrim in Northern Ireland. The Project is being developed by Tidal Ventures Limited (TVL). The offshore Project comprises of all components seaward of the Mean High Water Springs (MHWS), which includes between 50-100 tidal turbines, turbine support structures and all associated offshore infrastructure, electrical infrastructure consisting of inter array cables, subsea cable connection hub(s) and export cables and landfall for export cables (up to MHWS only).
Applicant: Tidal Ventures Limited
Status: Revoked
Applied: 09/03/2015
Licence Start Date: 09/12/2016
Licence End Date: 02/11/2023

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