Form VP4

Date published: 07 July 2016

Last updated: 09 August 2023

This is Form VP4 which is used to by a Contractor to apply for approval to carry out TB testing on behalf of DAERA for a veterinarian employed by the Contractor.  There are 3 parts to the form.

Form VP4 Part A is used to start the process of approval of veterinarians to carry out Bovine TB testing on behalf of DAERA. Form VP4 Part A is an application to sit the Online TB Theory Test (the Online Theory Test) based on Schedule 11 of the contract. It is completed by the candidate and by the Senior Authorised Veterinary Surgeon of the practice.

Form VP4 Part B is completed after the candidate has passed the Online Theory Test and is an application for an Approval Test.

Form VP4 Part C is completed by the Divisional Veterinary Officer/Supervising Veterinary Officer when the candidate has passed the Approval Test.


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