Equality screening of policies and decisions for 2017
Date published:
Equality Screening is the process of making an initial assessment about whether or not a policy or decision has the potential to impact differently and unfairly on different groups of people. Screening covers all aspects of our business and how we carry out this work – for instance; how we develop or review strategies and policies, assessing the provision of a new or existing service or by changing procedures, (whether these are written down or not).
Equality Screening templates
- The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Knowledge Framework.
- EU Exceptional Adjustment Aid Programme
- The Environmental Farming Scheme (EFS) under the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme (NIRDP) 2014-2020.
- 2017 Review of Bathing Waters in NI
- Air Quality Standards (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2017
- Medium combustion plant directive composition
- The marketing of fruit plant and propagating material regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017
- The seed potatoes (Amendment) regulations (Northern Ireland) 2017
- The environmental impact assessment (Agriculture) (Amendment) regulations (NI) 2017
- The water (Water quality) regulations (NI) 2017
- The Private water supply regulations (NI) 2017
- Transposition of the basic safety standards directive
- Policy position statement on the establishment and management of statutory nature reserves November 2016
- Consultation on amendments to the 2013 waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) regulations
- Equality Screening of Proposal to modify the DAERA Area Based Schemes Review of Decisions process
- Bovine TB – Consultation on DAERA’s Response to the TB Strategic Partner
- DAERA EQIA Screening Template - DAERA Customer Contact Project
- EQIA Screening Template - the Areas of Natural Constraint Regulations
- EQIA Screening Form - The Control of Mercury (Enforcement) Regulations
- EQIA Screening Document - Reactor Quality Assurance pilot