Equality Screening 2022
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Equality Screening is the process of making an initial assessment about whether or not a policy or decision has the potential to impact differently and unfairly on different groups of people. Screening covers all aspects of our business and how we carry out this work – for instance; how we develop or review strategies and policies, assessing the provision of a new or existing service or by changing procedures, (whether these are written down or not).
- Accessibility Compliant S75 Screening Template - NIRFP Grant Funding 2022-23.
- DAERA Equality and Disability Duties Screening Template Budget 2022-25 (3)
- Direct payments to farmers (Simplifications) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022 Accessibility+Compliant+S75+Screening+Template
- Draft NI Peatland Strategy - Equality & Disability Duties Screening document No. 2 - Approved by Tracey Teague 12.01.22.
- Equality ~ proposal for vessel monitoring systems on fishing vessels under 12 metres Approved 23.03.22.
- Equality and Disability Duties Screening template - Future Agricultural Policy Proposals for Northern Ireland December 2021.
- Equality Screening Template - Rural Community Rescue Scheme - Approved 10.02.22.
- Equality Screening Template PRN PERN 1 (005).
- Final Equality Screening Decision- Horse Racing (Amendment) Act 2022 c.2.
- S75 Screening Template - SPS Operational Readiness and Support Project - January 2022.
- Equality Screening Template - Renaming of Ballykelly House to Jubilee House
- Accessibility Compliant S75 Screening - Pig Support Scheme 2022
- Rural Business Development Grant Scheme 2022
- Intertidal shellfish gathering
- SPRING Rural Enhanced Project (SREP)
- Consultation on management measures for the use of fast craft and personal water craft (PWC) in marine protected areas
- COVID-19 Emergency Funding for Councils
- Lough Neagh COVID-19 Financial Support Scheme - EQIA Screening
- Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022
- The introduction of a deposit return scheme (DRS) in Northern Ireland for single use beverage containers
- The Direct Payments to Farmers (Cross-Compliance) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022
- Legacy EU Fruit and Vegetable Aid Scheme (FVAS)
- Forest Park and Community Trails Enhancement Scheme
- SPRING Rural Enhanced Project (SREP)
- Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Regs (NI) 2022
- Rural Social Enterprise Investment Scheme
- School Pollinator Scheme 2022
- Jubilee Pollinator Scheme 2022
- Future Agricultural Policy Decisions for Northern Ireland
- Producer Responsibility Obligations Amendments 2023
- Monitoring & Surveillance Science Operational Strategy
- Ruminant Emissions Research Facility (RERF) construction
- 2023-28 Environment Fund
- Bovine Diarrhoea (BVD) Herd Restrictions
- Flag Flying Jubilee House