Agricultural Census in Northern Ireland 2022

Date published: 28 February 2023

Last updated: 09 June 2023

This publication presents results of the Agricultural and Horticultural Census Northern Ireland for June 2022.

A revision to this publication was published on 12/05/2023. Minor changes have been made to Tables 5.7, 5.10 and 3.7. Values for ‘other ewes over 1 year old’ were previously omitted in error from the ‘total ewes’ figure in Table 5.7 and have now been added. In addition, several typographical errors were identified. The percentage increase given for ‘total number of laying birds’ on pages 3 and 12 of the main report has been amended to accurately reflect the increase in the published figures. The figure for ‘other poultry’ in Table 3.7 in the separate published tables has been amended to match the figures published in the main report and annexed tables. The total number of farms and poultry reported for flocks between 20,000-29,999 and 30,000-49,999 in Table 5.10 were transposed and have been amended. A further change was made to table 6.5 to correct the order of the district councils.  If you have any queries or would like any further information about this revision please contact us at

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