Upper Lough Erne - Galloon ASSI

Protected area type: Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Species
  • Fermanagh
Council: Fermanagh and Omagh
Guidance and literature: Upper Lough Erne Galloon ASSI

This area in southern Upper Lough Erne includes the open waters of the lough, in addition to extensive, good quality, traditionally farmed and hence species rich grasslands on base-rich gleyed soils.

There are also wetland and other communities with notable transitions from open water to drier ground with the concomitant effect of giving important concentrations of both individual species and groups of species. This section of the lough is more sheltered than others such that open waters often give way to swamp zones. Behind these are areas of sedge dominated fen which can often be species rich. Wet woodland is also found with associated ground flora resembling the swamp and fen zones. The grasslands themselves exhibit variations dependant on the soils i.e. from strongly flushed to well-drained, more acidic soils.

The nationally rare Frogbit occurs frequently along with other plants which also have a restricted distribution nationally. Otters also frequent the area along with wintering wildfowl and breeding waders. 

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