Turmennan SAC

Protected area type: Special Areas of Conservation
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Down
Council: Newry, Mourne and Down
Guidance and literature: Turmennan SAC

Turmennan SAC is a small valley mire, being in a transitional stage between fen and bog, shows a broad range of surface conditions, from slightly base-rich to markedly acidic. These zones reflect the position of the ground water table in the surface peat layer.

The main plant community of the mire surface is formed by an extensive species rich mixed sedge sward over a carpet of brown mosses. In more acidic places a carpet of Sphagnum mosses is found. Whilst the central area of the site is dominated by Common Reed swamp.  Other fen communities are more localised. A number of notable plants such as Anagallis tenella, Hypericum elodes, Carex diandra and Eleogiton fluitans can be found. The site also supports a range of other habitats, such as small open pools, species rich wet and dry grassland, small pockets of woodland/scrub and wet heath, providing additional diversity. A rich invertebrate community with several uncommon and rare species is present.

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