Curran Bog SAC

Protected area type: Special Areas of Conservation
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Londonderry
Council: Mid-Ulster
Guidance and literature: Curran Bog SAC

Curran Bog lies within the flood-plain of the Moyola River. The surface retains a high cover of Sphagnum bog-mosses (indicating active peat growth) and well-developed surface patterning (i.e. pool, hummock and hollow complexes).

The pool system is a particularly important feature, as these are generally very rare in NI lowland raised bogs. The pools vary in shape and size, but are generally linear with a carpet of aquatic Sphagnum bog-mosses, particularly S. cuspidatum, with lesser amounts of S. auriculatum and scattered Bogbean Menyanthes trifoliata.

Curran Bog is also important for invertebrates.  There are large numbers of recently-created acid pools, which show few signs of enrichment and support an aquatic fauna typical of acid and base-poor waters. The recorded fauna includes seven species of dragonfly, eight aquatic Heteroptera and twenty-three species of water beetle.

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