Ecology Reports

Date published: 22 August 2023

Last updated: 10 June 2024

Ecology Reports for Mobuoy Site

The purpose of ecological surveys is to provide information on what species of plants and animals occupy and/or use a site. By carrying out these surveys, this allows us to evaluate any risks created by remediation works on site and develop a plan to reduce or avoid any adverse impacts. As most ecological surveys remain valid for a period of one year, wildlife and ecology is assessed annually at the site.

A Preliminary Ecological Survey was carried out in September 2021 in advance of the extensive ground investigation works carried out at the site to update the Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) for the site.

The Preliminary Ecological Survey identified high potential for locally important wildlife, such as newts, badgers, otters, and bats areas on the site. This information was used during the design of the ground investigation works to make sure these works did not take place at locations which could adversely impact locally important wildlife.

Due to the high potential for newts, badgers, otters, and bats areas on the site, specific and detailed assessments for each of those ecological receptors were carried out during the Spring and Summer of 2022.

The assessments and surveys were carried out following Regulatory guidance (Site Surveys | which provides advice on the appropriate time of the year to carry out specific ecological assessments and the period of time the results of ecological assessments remain representative of the ecology on the site.

The wildlife and ecological information and reports currently available for the Mobuoy site are available below:

For any queries please contact the Mobuoy Project team at

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