Packaging Waste: Introduction of Reforms to the Packaging Waste Recycling Note (PRN) and Packaging Waste Export Recycling Note (PERN) Systems and Operator Approval – Summary of 2022 Consultation responses and Government response

Date published: 31 October 2022

The consultation on the UK-wide Reforms to the Packaging Waste Recycling Note (PRN) and Packaging Waste Export Recycling Note (PERN) Systems and Operator Approval has concluded. The second UK-wide consultation was launched in March 2022 in conjunction with the UK Government, Scottish Government and Welsh Government. It closed in May 2022 and 129 responses were received.

The aim of this consultation was to seek views on several technical and administrative amendments to the way in which the packaging waste recycling note (PRN) and packaging waste export recycling note (PERN) systems operate. These are intended to address some of the issues identified in the current system, including PRN and PERN price volatility, a lack of transparency, and the potential for fraudulent issuing of PRNs and PERNs. 

We will take forward several of the reforms to the PRN and PERN systems outlined in the consultation, which will be implemented alongside our wider Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging reforms.

These are: 

  • monthly reporting of reprocessing and export data by reprocessors and exporters 
  • monthly price and revenue data reporting by reprocessors and exporters
  • amendments to the reporting categories for the revenue received from the sale of PRNs by   reprocessors and exporters
  • a competence test for reprocessors, exporters and Compliance Scheme operators

DAERA alongside the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments will continue to monitor this approach to the PRN and PERN systems and will review this in 2026/2027.

Consultation Documents

The original consultation documents are available for reference using the following link:
Reforms to the Packaging Waste Recycling Note (PRN) and Packaging Waste Export Recycling Note (PERN) Systems and Operator Approval Consultation |

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