DAERA tackling problem waste streams: Extended Producer Responsibility Webinar

Date published: 24 August 2022

Are you interested in tackling problem waste streams? Then join us at our Webinar on Friday 23 September 2022 (10am-12pm) to find out more about tackling packaging, electrical goods and chewing gum waste.

To meet our green growth, climate change and circular economy objectives, a number of waste streams have been identified, that are likely to benefit from an extended producer responsibility (EPR) approach.

EPR is an established policy approach adopted by many countries around the world, across a broad range of products and materials. It aims to give producers an incentive to make better, more sustainable decisions at the product design stage including decisions that make it easier for products to be re-used or recycled at their end of life. It also places the financial cost of managing products once they reach end of life, on producers.

The first in a series of webinars will be held on Friday 23 September 2022, 10am to 12pm, and will focus on packaging, deposit return scheme (DRS), waste electrical goods, chewing gum waste and the upcoming Waste Strategy for Northern Ireland.

In this first session DAERA officials will set out the latest thinking for these waste streams and answer any questions you have.

Further sessions will follow on other waste streams such as batteries, textiles, bulky waste, construction waste and tobacco litter.

This webinar is particularly relevant for retailers, manufacturers and distributors of packaging and electrical goods, as well as waste management and recycling companies and councils.

If you would like to join the webinar, please register your interest by sending an e-mail to eprteam@daera-ni.gov.uk with your name, organisation and contact details.

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  3. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office: pressoffice.group@daera-ni.gov.uk.

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