Consultation on a Review of Bathing Waters in Northern Ireland

Date published: 11 February 2022

The Department of Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has launched a public consultation on a review of bathing waters in Northern Ireland.

Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs Minister, Edwin Poots said: "I am very aware of the surge in interest in wild water swimming across Northern Ireland and work is now underway on a full review of Bathing Waters in 2022/23 which will seek views on the current management of Bathing Waters, identification of new sites and extending the length of the bathing season.

"To assist the review, I am launching this public consultation, and I look forward to considering the views of all those with an interest.”

Access to the consultation is available on the nidirect website.

Responses must be provided by 8 April 2022.

Notes to editors: 

1. Northern Ireland has 26 identified bathing waters which must meet stringent water quality standards set under The Quality of Bathing Water Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2008. Officials are currently preparing for a full review of Bathing Waters in 2022/23 including a public consultation which will not only look at the identification of new Bathing Waters but will also consider extending the length of the bathing season. The review will recognise the marked increase in popularity of all year open water swimming in recent times. For the Department to proceed with the identification of a site, it must be assured that:

  • bathing is not prohibited or inadvisable for safety reasons;
  • bathing is traditionally practised by large numbers of bathers (the Department has criteria around this); and
  • there is an appropriate body willing to take on the formal responsibility of Bathing Water Operator. 

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