Waste Management Application Services go Digital

Date published: 19 July 2021

Environment Minister Edwin Poots MLA has launched a new digital online service for waste management application services which includes provision for Waste Management Licenses, Waste Management Exemptions and Greenfield Soil Registrations.

Environment Minister Edwin Poots MLA pictured launching the new digital online service for waste management at Parliament Buildings, Stormont.

Applicants for all activities involving the treatment, keeping, or disposal of waste will now be able to apply online for associated authorisations. This online service through the DAERA website will remove the need for paper application forms and payment by cheque.

Launching the new online platform Minister Poots said; “An authorisation to manage waste operations is vital in enabling our objective of achieving a compliant crime free waste sector and by helping to protect our environment.”

“My Department processes close to 1200 waste management applications each year and I am delighted to see this transition to a digital transformation of this service. Paper applications will become a thing of the past. This fully integrated process will allow you to apply easily for a waste authorisation, make payment and allow you to track the progress of your application.”

“Given the restrictions on some activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing access to online services, such as this, is even more critical to ensure my Department can continue to deliver for the people of Northern Ireland. Delivery of this service to customers in a more efficient and straightforward way is a great step forward.”

The various waste authorisation online services will be available on the DAERA website at their relevant sections that include guidance and instructions: https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/topics/waste/authorisations    

To use the online waste management application process you will need a user name and password for the Government Gateway, which will be provided via email when you register for the first time.  The services include provision for postcode and companies house lookups, digital maps and up-loading supporting documents e.g. consent & proof of ownership documentation. 

Notes to editors: 


  1. Waste management activities require an appropriate authorisation from the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) to make sure the impacts to the environment and/or public health are minimised.
  2. The project to deliver these online services has been made possible by a successful collaboration between the DAERA Digital Services Division and the NIEA Regulation Unit.
  3. For further information about Waste Management Licenses, Waste Management Exemptions and Greenfield Soil registrations see the DAERA website at https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/topics/waste/authorisations.
  4. The Waste Exemption online service can be accessed via https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/landing-pages/waste-management-licensing-exemptions
  5. The Waste Management Licencing online service can be accessed via: https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/articles/waste-management-licensing
  6. For any queries relating to Waste Management Licenses and/or Exemptions please contact WRU.Queries@daera-ni.gov.uk.
  7. Follow DAERA on Twitter and Facebook: https://twitter.com/daera_ni and www.facebook.com/daerani.gov.uk 
  8. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office at: pressoffice.group@daera-ni.gov.uk
  9. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hour’s service for media enquiries between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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