Business Development Groups making a difference to over 3000 farm businesses

Date published: 06 May 2021

The Business Development Groups (BDGS) Scheme has made a difference to farm businesses, according to an interim report by the Agri-Food Biosciences Institute (AFBI).

Glenn Ross, from Markethill, Co Armagh, has made positive changes on his farm as a result of being in the BDG Scheme.

Fiona Dickson of CAFRE’s Agri-business Branch explained that the report showed that, after two years, being in a BDG had a positive effect on gross margin for dairy, sheep, suckler cow and beef finishing enterprises. The report also showed that the improvement was statistically significant for dairy enterprises.  The BDGs Scheme has been delivered by the College of Agriculture Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) for five years and over 3000 farm businesses regularly attend training events which help develop productivity, sustainability and profitability.

One farmer who has been making changes on his farm as a result of the BDG Scheme is Glenn Ross from Markethill, Co Armagh.  Glenn runs a mixed farm with 100 ewes and 30 suckler cows with the target to sell all stock finished, although quality stores are sold if the market conditions are good. He joined the local sheep and suckler cow BDGs which both meet six times a year for training events led by Brian Hanthorn, CAFRE Beef and Sheep Adviser and Adam Jones, AI Service Specialist Technical Facilitator.

Through sharing knowledge and with challenge and encouragement from the other members the group, Glenn has been increasing the focus on animal health and improving the fertility and productivity of both the ewes and cows. He has introduced a rotational grazing system to improve grass growth and utilisation and reduce the amount of concentrates used, and has been benchmarking the farm enterprise performance to monitor how the changes are improving profitability. Using technology is important and Glenn has completed soil analysis, introduced a calving and heat detection monitoring system, and is currently making his own electronic cattle weighing scales.

Glenn says: “With better grass management, I hope to push cow numbers to 40 over the next couple of years. Being in the group has given me a number of ideas about how to make my farm better, and confidence that I am doing a good job but can make improvements.” 

CAFRE remains focused on successful delivery for the remaining two years of the BDGs scheme. Over the last year, during the global pandemic, the quality of scheme delivery has been maintained using on-line technology and this was acknowledged, by the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI), during a baseline review of CAFRE’s delivery and remote learning.

Looking ahead, CAFRE will re-commence on-farm delivery of the scheme when it is safe to do so. Face-to-face delivery encourages peer learning and social interaction through practical discussion and demonstration. However, it is likely that a blended approach will be used to build on the success of the scheme. A final evaluation will also be completed by AFBI to determine the overall impact of the scheme on farm businesses.

The BDGs Scheme is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

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