Marine Plan for Northern Ireland: Public Consultation Report – Summary of Responses

Date published: 27 April 2021

The public consultation was conducted during the 8 week period of 18 April 2018 to 15 June 2018. The Department has summarised and analysed the comments received. The Department’s Response outlined in this Report will help inform the development of the final Marine Plan for Northern Ireland.

Over 70 submissions were received from a broad range of stakeholders, including members of the public, coastal community groups, environmental NGOs, sports bodies, stakeholder representative bodies, fisheries organisations, energy providers, Local Authorities, and public sector bodies. Annex 1 of the Public Consultation Report provides a list of those who responded to the consultation.

All the responses relating to this consultation represent a valuable source of information and will be used to inform further work in developing marine planning in Northern Ireland.

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