DAERA remembers The Duke of Edinburgh

Date published: 21 April 2021

DAERA Minister Edwin Poots MLA has planted a tree in commemoration of the life of HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. 

DAERA Minister Edwin Poots MLA pictured with John-Joe O'Boyle Chief Executive NI Forest Service planting an oak tree at CAFTRE's Loughry Campus to commemorate the life of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip.

The Minister said: “His Royal Highness Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh dedicated his life to public service and I want to begin by passing on my sincerest condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal Family.

 “Prince Philip was a life-long environmentalist and conservationist. Over many decades of his life his commitment and interest in promoting opportunities for people to connect with their environment has been inspiring and so influential particularly to young people.  

 “Over the years, The Duke visited Northern Ireland on a number of occasions on Royal visits, including to CAFRE’s Loughry Campus in Cookstown in 2002.  In the spirit of my own Forests for Our Future initiative which I launched at Loughry campus last Spring, I have planted an oak tree as a memorial to Prince Philip and to mark what his good work meant to the people of Northern Ireland and his legacy to future generations. “

Notes to editors: 

1. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office at: pressoffice.group@daera-ni.gov.uk. ​​​

2. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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