Livestock Markets remain open for essential business only

Date published: 27 November 2020

The Livestock Market Stakeholder engagement group have welcomed the news from the NI Executive that Livestock Markets will be permitted to remain open to ensure essential livestock trading can continue.

It is a critical time in the farming calendar and farmers are relying on Livestock Markets for the sale of their livestock to maintain cash flow. However the stakeholder engagement group want to re-emphasis that everyone within the farming community must work together to ensure all COVID-19 safety precautions are followed.

The Livestock Markets continue to operate under a strict protocol ensuring social distancing, face covering and good hand hygiene practices. Market operators are reminding farmers that they should only attend for essential business purposes and additional family members are not allowed to attend. The strict protocol continues to be monitored and enforced by the Health and Safety Executive, Northern Ireland.

A number of Market’s have now put in place an online system that allows buyers and seller to view and participate in sales from their own farms. Farmers are being encouraged to make use of this new technology to minimise risk of infection to themselves and their families.

In line with current restrictions, the Mart canteens and cafes will still only be able to provide a takeaway service.

Auctioneers and Mart staff will continuing to make regular announcements and provide advice to buyers, sellers and staff. For everyone’s safety and to prevent more stringent rules having to be implemented it is essential that this advice is followed.



Notes to editors: 

1. The members of the Livestock Market Stakeholder engagement group are DAERA, UFU, Northern Ireland Agricultural Producers' Association, the Northern Ireland Auctioneers Association and the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland.

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