Marine Licence ML 2_18 Queen’s Quay, Timber Quay reconstruction

Date published: 07 April 2020

Last updated: 22 November 2022

Demolition and removal of an existing suspended timber quay and the reconstruction of the quay with a reinforced concrete wall supported on piles

Proposal Description

Reference: ML 2_18
Project Type: Construction, alteration, improvement
Location: Queens’s Quay, Belfast
Coordinates: 54 36 0.7, -5 55 10.3
Project Description: Demolition and removal of the existing suspended timber quay and the reconstruction of the quay with a reinforced concrete wall supported on piles
Applicant: DfC
Status: Expired
Date Issued: 23/08/2019
Licence Start Date: 23/08/2019
Licence End Date: 22/08/2020

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