Bakery Retail Food Safari

Date published: 12 December 2019

Staff from a range of local bakery and snack companies recently participated on a Retail Food Safari to London and gained an insight into innovative developments within the bakery sector. The initiative was organised and delivered by Invest Northern Ireland in partnership with CAFRE.

Zita McNaugher, CAFRE Food Technologist (centre) surrounded by representatives from local bakery companies and Invest NI during their visit to Planet Organic, while on the Invest NI Bakery Retail Food Safari.

The group obtained an overview of the changing grocery landscape and the growth within the Food to Go sector as well as gaining interesting product awareness and product dynamics, through market briefings and store visits.  The group visited a wide range of stores from retail outlets, food halls to specialist bakeries across central London, these included visits to Planet Organic, Paul, Sainsbury’s, Pret a Manger and the Domonique Ansel Bakery where they sampled the infamous cronut. 

Finally the diversity of ‘food to go’ products on sale in the Borough Market and Seven Dials Market gave the NI food companies much to reflect on.

If your company is seeking technical support on bakery developments, please do not hesitate to contact Zita McNaugher at CAFRE: or 028 867 68101.

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