Coping with the pressures of farming workshops

Date published: 06 November 2019

A series of workshops entitled ‘Coping with the Pressures of Farming’ is being delivered as part of the Farm Family Key Skills (FFKS) programme. The courses are being delivered by Rural Support and follow on from a successful roadshow recently, featuring the ‘Resilient Farmer’ Doug Avery from New Zealand talking on his experiences and journey through the highs and lows of farming.

Victor Chestnut (UFU deputy president), John McKee (CAFRE), John Thompson (Rural Support Chair), John Taggart (Rural Support Mentor), Jude McCann (Rural Support CEO) launching ‘Coping with Pressures of Farming’ workshops.

It is widely acknowledged that farming can be a complex and stressful occupation with many influencing factors outside the farmer’s control.  At present farmers continue to face challenges in relation to market prices, increasing costs, increasing workloads and uncertainty over Brexit. These challenges can impact of the health and wellbeing of farmers and also on their farm families.

The workshops will focus on the identification and understanding of stress factors which farm families are facing. There will also be advice and guidance on support available to the rural community.

The training is free for farmers, farm family members and farm staff and will be held in local venues across Northern Ireland. Each participant will also receive a copy of a booklet ‘Coping with the Pressures of Farming’.

The booklet was developed by Rural Support with the support of Health & Safety Executive NI and launched at this year’s Balmoral Show. It provides practical support on a range of farming related issues.

Numbers are limited on each course to allow opportunity for discussion. Anyone wishing to attend must register in advance.

For dates and locations of workshops, please visit the CAFRE website.

To register for a workshop, please contact Rural Support 028 8676 0040 or visit the CAFRE website.

Farm Family Key Skills (FFKS) is part of the Farm Business Improvement Scheme, funded under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

Notes to editors: 

  1. Photo caption: Victor Chestnut (UFU deputy president), John McKee (CAFRE), John Thompson (Rural Support Chair), John Taggart (Rural Support Mentor), Jude McCann (Rural Support CEO) launching ‘Coping with Pressures of Farming’ workshops.
  2. College of Agriculture Food & Rural enterprise (CAFRE) is responsible for the delivery of the Farm Family Key Skills (FFKS) programme.
  3. For more information on FFKS, please email: or call Knowledge Transfer Administration on 028 9442 6790.
  4. The FFKS programme is part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
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  7. All media enquiries to DAERA Press Office or tel: 028 9052 4619.

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