‘Making Tax Digital’ business planning seminars ready to roll

Date published: 24 October 2018

Farm Family Key Skills (FFKS) is an initiative managed by CAFRE and is a key element of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

Gillian Reid and Jude McCann of Rural Support pictured discussing the importance of “Making Tax Digital” Business Planning seminars with Kenneth Johnston and Siobhan Sheppard of CAFRE.

The business planning theme of Farm Family Key Skills addresses the needs of farmers, farm family members and farm employees to increase their levels of knowledge and awareness in business planning.

A number of seminars focusing on areas impacting on farm businesses have been organised by CAFRE in partnership with Rural Support to be delivered throughout Northern Ireland over the coming months. Seminars start on Tuesday 13 November at Loughry Campus, CAFRE and will be delivered by industry professionals from local accountancy firms.

Topics include an overview and awareness of the new HMRC ‘Making Tax Digital’ system, including issues surrounding the submission of records, choice of appropriate software and the cost implications for the farm business.

This training is provided as part of the FFKS scheme under the Farm Business Improvement Scheme (FBIS) section of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 which receives co-financing from the European Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).  

Enniskillen accountant Tom Patton of Patton Rainey and Associates said: “‘Making Tax Digital’ is one of the most significant changes to have occurred in the past number of years. It will have a major impact on almost all farm businesses and as it comes into effect in April 2019 it is important that farmers get themselves up to speed with the changes. 

“It is always important to plan ahead in any business, not only in the short-term but also longer-term, and I would encourage farmers, farm family members and farm employees to attend one of these seminars where they will get a chance to hear from industry professionals on key issues related to the new ‘Making Tax Digital’ system.”    

Twenty seminars will be delivered in local venues across Northern Ireland from November 2018 to March 2019.

Seminars for November and December

Date Venue
Monday 19 November Grant’s Pub, Mayobridge
Tuesday 20 November Silver Birch Hotel, Omagh
Wednesday 21 November Enniskillen Campus
Monday 26 November Tirgan Community Association (Tirgan Hall), Moneymore
Wednesday 28 November Agri-food Biosciences Institute (AFBI)
Thursday 29 November Magherabuoy House Hotel, Portrush
Monday 3 December Milestone Centre, Carrickmore
Monday 10 December Greenmount Campus, Antrim
Tuesday 11 December Benedy Community Centre, Dungiven

Doors open at 7:30 pm with seminars beginning at 8:00pm.

Further event dates will be released in the New Year.

The seminars are free to farmers, members of the farm family and employees. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters within farm families would all benefit from attending a seminar.

For further information contact our delivery agent for this training programme Rural Support on 028 8676 0040 or visit the CAFRE website.

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