We are situated on Bath Rd., Portrush, BT56 8AP

The Portrush Coastal Zone is owned and run by DAERA Marine and Fisheries Division and housed in what was an old Victorian Bath House. It is located at the western end of the Causeway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), an area rich in natural and historical interest.

The Centre provides information and interpretation on the marine and coastal environment and overlooks the Skerries and Causeway Marine Special Area of Conservation (SAC). This SAC was the first marine protected area in the UK for harbour porpoise and these wonderful creatures can often be spotted from our viewing platform.

Opening Times

June - September, 10am - 4.30pm daily

June opening date has not been confirmed yet

Entrance is free

8 Bath Road
BT56 8AP
Phone: 028 7082 3600

Further information & Who to Contact:

Live strandings

  • To report a live stranded whale, dolphin or porpoise, contact the DAERA Marine Wildlife team on 029 905 69421
  • To report an abandoned or injured seal pup, contact Exploris Aquarium on 028 42728062 or 07701 372623

Dead strandings

  • To report a dead whale, dolphin, porpoise or seal, contact the DAERA Marine Wildlife team on 029 905 69421.
    (If diverted to voicemail please leave your name, number, time of call and brief details)

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