The production of Conservation Management Plans for UK national site network will help identify the problems facing some of our most important ecosystems.

The delivery of Conservation Management Plans for UK national site network, by way of a project, is co-funded under measure 7 of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

The production of Conservation Management Plans for  UK national site network will help identify the problems facing some of our most important ecosystems. Addressing the issues identified in the Conservation Management Plans will have a positive impact on biodiversity, water and land management.

It is expected that through this project 23 Conservation Management Plans for SACs and associated SPAs incorporating approximately 14,500ha of SAC habitat, in Northern Ireland will be produced.

The project was put out to tender, and two companies appointed to deliver the Conservation Management Plans:

Lot 1 - Terrestrial Sites

Arup Environment
Bedford House
3rd Floor
16-22 Bedford Street

Contact details:

Donncha Madden
Tel: 028 9089 0900

Lot 2 - Freshwater sites

RPS Ireland
Elmwood House
74 Boucher Road
BT12 6RZ

Contact details:

Grace Glasgow
Tel: 028 9066 7914

The contracts commenced 1 December 2017 and will end 30 November 2021.

The sites covered by the contracts are detailed in the documents attached: 

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