Ballyrisk More ASSI

Protected area type: Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Londonderry
Council: Causeway Coast and Glens
Guidance and literature: Ballyrisk More ASSI

This area is of special scientific interest because of its species - rich wet grassland which occurs only where land management is not intensive, in particular where traditional farming practices have been maintained.

As a result, it is not a widespread habitat in Northern Ireland and is often fragmented , cosisting of individual fields, parts of fields or banks. Species - rich grasslands, like those found at Ballyrisk More, are a particularly scarce resource in Northern Ireland.

The vegetation is dominated by wet grassland of the purple moor - grass and rush pasture type, with occasional pockets of drier grassland. Fen meadow is a particular type of purple moor - grass and rush pasture that has developed where there is a steady hydrological influence in the soil and is typified by the occurrence of species adapted to both water movement and wetter conditions. Here species such as meadow thistle and purple moor - grass are constant. 

Other distinctive species associated with this fen meadow vegetation are tormentil, devil's - bit scabious, carnation sedge, sharp flowered rush, heather, lesser spearwort, tawny sedge, selfheal, and marsh ragwort.

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