Fairy Water Bogs ASSI

Protected area type: Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Tyrone
Council: Derry and Strabane
Guidance and literature: Fairy Water Bogs ASSI

The area is of special scientific interest because it is considered to comprise one of the most important concentration of lowland raised bogs in Northern Ireland.

Each bog has a classic dome structure, which in some cases, is partly obscured by glacial features. At Kilmore Robinson, the bog is bisected by a high ridge, and at Bomackatall, a low drumlin has been almost engulfed by the bog. Hummocks and hollows are generally well developed on three of the bogs, with significant pool complexes at Claragh and Bomackatall. At Drumnafallow Bog, the hummocks and hollows structure is obscured by turf cutting and reclamation, although the relief suggests that two domes exist, enclosing a very small basin mire marked by an old pond which is covered by Sphagnum.


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