Short pause of TB testing as next stage of NIFAIS goes live

Date published: 20 July 2023

The latest stage of DAERA’s new Northern Ireland Food Animal Information System (NIFAIS) is now set to launch on Monday 4 September 2023.


NIFAIS will replace the existing Animal and Public Health Information System (APHIS), which has been in operation since 1998.  This phase brings in all remaining bovine functionality and opens the system to external stakeholders such as herd keepers, markets, abattoirs and Private Veterinary Practitioners (PVPs).

Migrating all the remaining bovine data to NIFAIS from APHIS is a complex process and to reduce the risk of data loss or corruption there will be restrictions on TB testing during a three-week period from 21 August to 11 September 2023.

DAERA is urging herd keepers, whose compulsory TB tests fall within this period, to contact their PVP now to arrange an alternative date to ensure they avoid going overdue, as restrictions will be imposed. All tests can be started 30 days in advance of their due date, and it may be possible to arrange some non-reactor herd tests even earlier than this, if agreed with your local DAERA office.

DAERA is proactively moving test dates for many Lateral Check Tests to minimise the number of herds requiring testing in this period and ensure capacity within the system for other tests to be completed.

This testing restriction period will be taken into account in any assessments for breaches of the Cross Compliance requirements for TB testing, however, it remains the herd keeper’s responsibility to comply with TB testing requirements irrespective of these arrangements.

The TB testing restrictions will operate as follows:

  • Week 1 (w/c 21 August 2023): only Reactor Herd tests will be tested on the Monday and results read on the Thursday.
  • Week 2 (w/c 28 August 2023): no testing.
  • Week 3 (w/c 4 September 2023): no TB testing to commence on Monday. Only Reactor herd testing Tuesday – Saturday.

There may be a short delay in the removal of reactors due to a reduction in the processing of valuations on APHIS and the generation of movement licences. Any disruption will be kept to a minimum and reactors must remain isolated until removed. DAERA will be working with all parties to ensure any delays in paying compensation are minimised.

It will still be possible to export animals during the three-week period, but exporters are advised to plan ahead with their PVP to ensure any required tests are completed in time and prior to the restriction period.

Tag suppliers will have restricted access to NIFAIS during the weekend 2-3 September 2023, so place orders in advance of this date where tags are required.

View further information online.

Or contact your local DAERA Direct Office on 0300 200 7840 and ask to be put through to Customer Service Branch in your local area or email:

Notes to editors: 

  1. This stage was originally due to launch in June however, it was postponed to facilitate further testing and integration with industry IT systems.
  2. Follow DAERA on Twitter and Facebook.
  3. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office: or phone 02890 524619.
  4. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours’ service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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