Sellers permitted to return to livestock sales as COVID-19 restrictions are gradually eased

Date published: 30 April 2021

Following recent announcements and guidance from the NI Executive in relation to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, the Livestock Market Stakeholder group have met to discuss and review the protocol put in place to ensure the safety of all who attend and work at livestock sales.


With the gradual easing of the COVID-19 restrictions, the Livestock Market Stakeholder group have agreed safety measures that will allow sellers to return to Markets from Monday, 3 May to view their own livestock being sold.

The arrangements that Livestock Markets have already introduced to allow the online viewing and participation in sales by buyers and sellers will remain in place and farmers are encouraged to continue to make use of this technology.

Key safety measures relating to the use of marshalling, face masks, hand hygiene and social distancing, that everyone is now well used to adhering to, will remain in place. Auctioneers and Mart staff will continue to monitor and make regular announcements to provide advice to those in attendance. For everyone’s safety it is essential that this advice is followed.

The Livestock Market Stakeholder group want to re-emphasise that everyone within the farming community must continue to work together to enable the gradual relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions but still ensure the safety and wellbeing of all those who attend and work at livestock sales.

Notes to editors: 

  1. The members of the Livestock Market Stakeholder engagement group are DAERA, UFU, Northern Ireland Agricultural Producers' Association, the Northern Ireland Auctioneers Association and the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland.
  2. Follow DAERA on Twitter and Facebook
  3. All media queries should be directed to the DAERA Press Office
  4. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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