Recycling investment reaches £5million with latest investment - Poots

Date published: 07 May 2021

A £1million investment in a new recycling facility will help both our environment and economy says Environment Minister Edwin Poots.

(L-R) Philip Thompson, Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Director of Operations, Mayor of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, Councillor Peter Johnston and DAERA Minister Edwin Poots MLA.

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has awarded the money to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council to build a new Household Recycling Centre (HRC) in Carrickfergus.

“This £1million investment is part of our Household Waste Recycling Collaborative Change Programme and brings the total invested so far to almost £5million,” explained Minister Poots.

“The most recent Northern Ireland household waste recycling statistics were published on 22 April 2021 for the period 1 October 2020 – 31 December 2020. The figures reveal that the household waste recycling figure for the last 12 months is 50.7%.

“I am determined to build on this success with such investments which will help to increase recycling, as well as the range of materials that can be recycled.

 “This investment alone will mean over 1,000 tonnes of waste will be diverted from landfill each year. The money also helps improve how waste is separated and the quality of materials collected to support local processors and our circular economy,” added Minister Poots.

Work on the Sullatober Household Waste Recycling Centre in Carrickfergus is expected to start next month and will be twice the size of the existing centre which serves the 40,000 residents. It is the ninth council household recycling project that DAERA has funded.

Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Councillor Peter Johnston, welcomed the £1million funding.

“The new Sullatober Household Recycling Centre will provide a much more efficient service for the residents of Carrickfergus, and is a welcome milestone in Council’s key strategic aim of creating a sustainable and healthy local environment which is protected for future generations.”

Minister Poots said he would continue to look for ways to collaborate with local councils and other stakeholders to ensure recycling rates remain high and to see ways of increasing the economic value of recycling in the economy by improving the quality of recycling and reducing contamination.

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