Poots enjoys tasty treats on tourism tour

Date published: 09 March 2022

Rural Affairs Minister Edwin Poots has been tasting tourism treats as part of a pilot project funded by DAERA to help create new experiences and boost rural economies.

Rural Affairs Minister Edwin Poots pictured with Shane and Dorothy Neary at their rural chocolate business NearyNógs at the foot of the Mournes in the Strangford area

He tasted craft chocolate made at NearyNógs Chocolate Studio at the foot of the Mournes before seeing Great British Menu and Mourne Larder chef Paul Cunningham flame grill herring hosted by Brendan Carty in Killowen.

Two of 10 projects funded by DAERA’s £465,000 Rural Tourism Collaborative Experiences Programme (RTCEP).

“Tourism is vitally important to our rural economy and the competitive nature of the tourism marketplace, over the next few years, cannot be underestimated,” said Minister Poots.

“I’m delighted to see and sample the benefits that this funding has brought to local businesses. They have demonstrated the potential there is in this area and the breadth of the local talent we have here in Northern Ireland.

“This pilot funding project demonstrates what the funding can do to showcase rural businesses at both a local and international level, in providing unique offerings to attract visitors to these areas,” he added.

The funding has allowed 10 councils to identify participants who will collaborate together to identify the uniqueness of an area and package a range of authentic local products that can be promoted as individual or combined tourism experiences. 

By investing in new and improved experiences aligned to ‘Northern Ireland –Embrace a Giant Spirit’, it is hoped the funding will help spread tourist traffic more evenly and create vital economic activity in rural areas. 

Chairperson of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Cllr Cathy Mason said: “The council received £37,500 of funding from DAERA which will help us develop a high standard of food and drink experiences to offer the visitor, increasing dwell time in the area, and thereby driving economic growth.”

Minister Poots concluded: “It is clear from my visits that a spirit of collaboration is emerging in the tourism sector to jointly create visitor experiences that are accessible, bookable and compelling, offering long-term sustainability and growth to tourism in Northern Ireland. I congratulate these projects and wish them every success going forward.”

The Newry, Mourne and Down District Council food and drink experiences will be launched on 25 March 2022 and will be bookable online.

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